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Address Information

EnerLink maintains a comprehensive database of address, phone, fax and website information related to the oil and gas industry, which is best viewed by becoming an EnerLink subscriber. Below we provide access to a large subset of the data (over 7,800 addresses), which we make available to industry free of charge.

This service has been discontinued. If you were a past user and are interested in subscribing to EnerLink, please contact us at info@enerlink.ca.

Why EnerLink?

Address information is only a small part of the data available in EnerLink, which costs as little as $100 per month for company-wide distribution. On the home screen of this website there are a number of screenshots and reports that illustrate how comprehensive a service EnerLink is.

With respect to addresses, here are some of the things that you are missing by not subscribing to EnerLink:

  • Above we show only 75% of our address information.
  • If an address is not in EnerLink, we will track it down at no cost at the request of an EnerLink subscriber.
  • EnerLink has websites for over 3,100 entities, none of which are displayed above.
  • In EnerLink you can export address information to an Excel CSV file for custom manipulation and use.
  • EnerLink subscribers can elect to receive email notifications of new and changed address information (typically two emails per week).
  • EnerLink displays addresses in the format above, and also in a format that can be copied and pasted into letters and envelopes.
  • Above we are not showing c/o information that is available in EnerLink.
  • Above you search by matching the beginning of an entity name. In EnerLink you can also search by matching any part of the name.
  • In EnerLink you can view entities that share the same suite, building, street or postal code. The same applies to phone and fax numbers.
  • EnerLink screens are integrated, so that once you are focusing on a particular entity, you can easily view all available information.